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juz bcos her eyes don't tear, doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry. and juz bcos she comes off strong, doesn't mean there's nothing wrong... - copy intenet..




Start all over again!


"Don't tell me not to cry. Not this time..
Don't tell me to stop my tears, just let me get them out..
And if that means crying till I'm sick and gasping and surrounded with a mountain of tissues, so be it..
You might not realize it, but maybe that's what I need right now..
Not to have my tears stopped, but to be given the freedom to finally let them out..."

Nmpk mcm aku pandai ckp omputih.. Tp, snarnye aku copy internet je..

Bile usha2 balik blog aku ni semuanye sedih2 je.. Br aku perasan yg aku ingt blog ni time aku sedih je.. Kalo ada org baca, mesti dia geleng kpala sbb asyik sedih je..

Mmg pon aku rs aku asyik sedih je.. Time hepi jap je rs.. Sbbnye bile tgh hepi, xsdar masa berlaku... Enjoy.. Gelak.. Semuanya rs seronok..

Tp bile sedih, nanges, teringat kenangan2 yg hepi td.. Menanti sesuatu yg xpasti.. Atau dlm erti kata lain, menanti sesuatu yg pasti xkn kembali. Ms pon rs mcm xbgerak lgsg.. Sbb tu rs lama.. Padahal jam tu xpnh berhenti mnjalankn tugas dia. Xpnh cpt atau lewat walau sedetik...

Aku bertekad dlm hati, nk move on.. Xnk nanges.. Xnk sedih.. Hepi mcm dulu.. Lupakn semua ni..

...dia tinggalkan aku, means dia xperlukn aku.. Jd, aku kene gak lupekn dia..

Maybe aku berjaya buat di mata umum.. Blh gelak.. Blh borak mcm biasa. Makan. Tgk tv. Buat scrapbook.

Tp dlm ati xde sape tau.. Mgkn ada yg blh teka, tp aku pasti xde yg blh selam sejauh mana hati aku tenggelam..

Ini semua dugaan yg dtg kt aku berkali2.. Aku mesti terima n kene besabar. Aku compare kesusahan n kesedihan aku ni ngn org yg lbih teruk dr aku..

Aku bersyukur... Dugaan aku ni kecik je berbanding ngn org lain..

Berbalik kpd quotes omputih yg aku paste kt ats tu, aku hrp xde yg nk suruh aku benti nanges.. Bia laa dulu buat ms ni.. Tisu pon bkn mahal sgt. Dia akn benti sndiri nti.. Aku tau waktu tu akn tiba gak nti.. Cuma xtau bila..

N bila sampai waktu tu nti, aku hrp akn dpt gelak, senyum, borak, makan, minum, main, bergurau, tidur, mandi, tgk tv, baca novel, scrapbooking, tgk wayang, shoping, travel, bercinta, beriadah n segala2 aku hrp dpt lalui ngn seikhlas hati n sepenuh hati..

Semoga Allah permudahkn.. :)


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hope to see u happy :)

Anonymous said...

kau boleh min...ko kena kuat..dye mmg xboleh buat kau hepy..